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Showing articles from Security tag

August 2022- Charity & Disaster Scams

**August 2022- Charity & Disaster Scams** Cyber criminals know that one of the best ways to rush people into making a mistake is by creating a heightened sense of urgency. And one of the easiest ways to create a sense of urgency is to take advantage of a crisis. This is why cyber criminals love it whenever there is a…

February 2022 - Demystifying Passwords

**Please Open the Attached PDF** **Demystifying Passwords** 5 Password Myths Debunked How Do Passwords Get Hacked? Password Managers Explained _Password Myths Debunked_ The first use of computer passwords dates back to the early 1960s. Ever since then, they’ve been a source of debate regarding length, complexit…

November 2022- Emotional Triggers – How Cyber Attackers Trick You

**November 2022- Emotional Triggers how Cyber Attackers Trick You** **Overview** Cyber attackers are constantly innovating ways to trick us into doing things we should not do, like clicking on malicious links, opening infected email attachments, purchasing gift cards or giving up our passwords. In addition, they oft…

November 2021 - Shopping Online Securely

![][1] **Shopping Online Securely** **Overview** The holiday season is nearing. Soon millions of people will be looking to buy the perfect gifts, and many of us will shop online. Unfortunately, cyber criminals will be active as well, creating fake shopping websites and other online shopping scams to steal your info…

December 2021 - Social Engineering Attacks

![][1] # **Social Engineering Attacks** **Overview** A common misconception about cyber attackers is that they use only highly advanced tools and techniques to hack into peoples’ computers or accounts. Cyber attackers have learned that the easiest ways to steal your information, hack your accounts, or infect your s…

September 2021- One Simple Step to Securing Your Accounts

**One Simple Step to Securing Your Accounts** **Overview** Does it seem like cyber criminals have a magic wand for getting into your email or bank accounts and there’s nothing you can do to stop them? Wouldn’t it be great if there was one single step you could take that would help protect you from cyber criminals an…

July 2021- Securely Using Mobile Apps

![][1] **Securely Using Mobile Apps** **Overview** Mobile devices, such as tablets, smartphones, and smartwatches, have become one of the primary technologies we use in both our personal and professional lives. What makes these devices so powerful are the thousands of apps we can choose from. These apps enable us t…

April 2022- Top Three Social Media Scams

April 2022- [Top Three Social Media Scams][1] **Overview** While social media is a fantastic way to communicate, share, and have fun with others, it is also a low-cost way for cyber criminals to trick and take advantage of millions of people. Don't fall victim to the three most common scams on social media. **Inv…

June 2021 - Privacy- Protecting Your Digital Footprint

**Privacy- Protecting Your Digital Footprint** **What is Privacy? ** There are many different definitions of “privacy.” We are going to focus on personal privacy, protecting the information about you that others collect. In today's digital world, you would be astounded at all the different entities that not only co…

March 2022 – Top Cybersecurity Tips for Vacations

**March 2022 – Top Cybersecurity Tips for Vacations** **Overview** As Spring Break approaches, you may betraveling. If you are among the many, here are some tips to help keep you cyber savvy and safe. **Mobile Devices** Bring as few devices as you can. The fewer devices you bring while traveling, the fewer devices…

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